My name is Erin Madden and I recently graduated from the University of Mary Washington, located in Fredericksburg Virginia. I am majored in Communication and Digital Studies and minored in Digital Studies.
On this website you can find different projects I have done throughout the years. Please have a look around!
My Skills
Graphic Animation
Video Editing
Web Design
I have extensive knowledge in graphic animation, specifically using Adobe After Effects.
I have an expansive knowledge in video editing. I have used programs such as Adobe Premiere Pro and Devinci Resolve.
I have extensive experience with web design applications and plug-ins such as WordPress, Google Sites, Elementor, and more!
Social Media Managment
I have gained knowledge on how to effectivly communicate through my experiences being a Communication and Digital Studies major.
While being a student at the University of Mary Washington, I have gained invaluavle knowledge on how to work cohesively in a group setting.
I have had real world esperience on managing a companies social media site. I have Hootsuite certifications stating that I am trained to use the program.